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Tribute to Charlie Russell: Announcing ‘Talking w Bears’ by G.A.Bradshaw

Dear Friends,

Join us in honoring Charlie Russell who passed one year ago on May 7, 2018. His voice and work for Bears continue in many ways, including the forthcoming book, Talking with Bears: Conversations with Charlie Russell (Rocky Mountain Books, 2020).

Building on nearly ten years of conversations with author G.A. Bradshaw, Talking with Bears explores the philosophy, methods, and sensibilities of Charlie Russell’s science. His profound insights provide a vital primer illustrating how humanity can re-align with nature so that Bears and other Wildlife are able to flourish in peace and dignity.

Talking with Bears joins the new and amazing Bert Riggall’s Greater Waterton: A Conservation Legacy, edited by Beth Towe, which chronicles in photos and accounts the lives and experiences of Charlie’s pioneer family. Keep in touch and keep his great teaching alive by visiting Charlie’s website and Talking with Bears website.

For the Bears,

Photo credits: Reno Sommerhalder


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