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Orphan cubs dying in Spring Hunt

Coastal Guardian Watchmen confront armed trophy hunters to save grizzlies

“Sometimes it gets nasty,” said Jason Moody, a patroller from Nuxalk Nation in Bella Coola. Mychaylo Prystupa Feb 24th, 2015 Coastal Guardian Watchmen on the lookout for trophy hunters on the Great Bear Rainforest coast in 2010. Photo by Doug Neasloss… Read More »Coastal Guardian Watchmen confront armed trophy hunters to save grizzlies

U.S. Grizzly Trophy Hunter Accidentially Shot by Guide after Wounded Bear Rears Up!

Photo Credit: Conrad Olson Bears Matter Note: Here is one brief report in media of an incident  that took place on May 26, 2014.  More details and media attention around this tragedy will follow but Bears Matter and our supporters sincerely hope that this case may bring some… Read More »U.S. Grizzly Trophy Hunter Accidentially Shot by Guide after Wounded Bear Rears Up!

Why Does B.C. Government So Desperately Want Grizzly Bears Dead? by Chris Genovali We want these bears dead. This is the message the B.C. government’s “reallocation policy” sends to Raincoast Conservation Foundation, British Columbians, and Canadians across the country. This policy is also preventing the implementation of an innovative solution to end… Read More »Why Does B.C. Government So Desperately Want Grizzly Bears Dead? by Chris Genovali

B.C.’s expanded grizzly hunt underway as scientists duel over bear numbers

BY GLENDA LUYMES, THE PROVINCE APRIL 12, 2014 B.C.’s controversial grizzly bear hunt has begun, despite concerns from some in the scientific community who say the government’s population estimates could be flawed. About 1,800 grizzly hunting tags are expected to… Read More »B.C.’s expanded grizzly hunt underway as scientists duel over bear numbers

Stephen Hume: ‘Brutish’ Columbia’s trophy bear hunt puts us on display, Vancouver Sun   In another couple of weeks, from the Kootenays to the coast and the Spatsizi to the Okanagan, the spring bear hunt gets underway. This opening occurs just as mother bears emerge from winter dens with their recently-born cubs.… Read More »Stephen Hume: ‘Brutish’ Columbia’s trophy bear hunt puts us on display, Vancouver Sun

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