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Horgan and NDP Commits to Ban Grizzly Bear Trophy Hunt- November 24, 2016

November 24, 2016 VANCOUVER– New Democrat leader John Horgan announced a New Democrat government will ban the trophy hunting of grizzly bears in British Columbia. “It’s time for some leadership here,” said Horgan. “We can look after our natural… Read More »Horgan and NDP Commits to Ban Grizzly Bear Trophy Hunt- November 24, 2016

Justice for BC Grizzlies & Kyle Artelle’s Interview on CBC Radio’Aug17’16


BC Almanac – CBC Radio One

Host: Chris Walker

August 17, 2016

Podcast Link:  Interview with Justice for BC Grizzlies’Val Murray and others starts at 17:20min mark.

Chris Walker:

Some people believe it’s barbaric. For some though it’s a sport. Hunting grizzly bears is a contentious issue in BC. It is legal. Some conservationists think it should be banned. Organizations like Raincoast and Justice for BC Grizzly Bears want to put pressure on the BC Liberals to ban the hunting of these predators. We’d like to hear from you now. Do you hunt for sport? Do you think hunting should remain legal and regulated when it comes to bears, or other animals for that matter? Maybe you think the trophy hunting for grizzly bears should be banned. Maybe not. Give us a call and let us know what you think, around the province. 1-800-825-5950. In the Lower mainland 604-669-3733. On your cell phone * or # 690. You can also tweet us, by the way, at BC Almanac or @ChrisWalkercbc.

We’ve got three quests on the line with us today. We’re joined by Kyle Artelle. He’s a Raincoast Foundation Conservationist and PhD Biology candidate at Simon Fraser University. Good afternoon, Kyle. We’re also joined in our studio in Kelowna by a spokesperson for the BC Wildlife Federation, Jesse Zeman. Good afternoon, Jesse. And finally, we have on the line Val Murray from Justice for BC Grizzlies. Good afternoon, Val. And Val, we’ll start with you. Tell us a bit about Justice for BC Grizzlies and what you’re looking for from the provincial government.

VM: Sure. You bet! Justice for BC Grizzlies is a grassroots movement of concerned citizens and what we want is for the hunt of grizzly bears to become an election issue. And we are galvanizing BC voters around the province; we’re having a really good response. The social consciousness in the province is changing and we’re going to capitalize on that between now and the election.

CW: And why are you opposed to the hunt?

Read More »Justice for BC Grizzlies & Kyle Artelle’s Interview on CBC Radio’Aug17’16

Globe and Mail Opinion: After the Spear Outrage We Must Fight to Protect Canada’s Iconic Bears

Getty Images/istock
Getty Images/istock   August 17, 2016

Julius Strauss is a B.C.-based bear viewing guide and member of the Commercial Bear Viewing Association

The killing of a black bear by a U.S. hunter with a spear this week in Alberta has caused public outrage.

What has shocked is not so much the cruelty involved – the bear survived its initial injuries and ran off into the forest only to die later – but that the bear had been baited, and the act was legal.

The hunter, Josh Bowmar from Ohio, went on to celebrate the feat by posting a video of the killing on YouTube replete with footage from a GoPro he had attached to the spear.

Another hunter said Mr. Bowmar had “cojones” for being willing to approach the bear on foot, as it rummaged around a baited barrel that had been put out specifically for the purpose.

Read More »Globe and Mail Opinion: After the Spear Outrage We Must Fight to Protect Canada’s Iconic Bears

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