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B.C’s Stop the Grizzly Killing Facebook Campaign! Deadline May 9, 2017!


Facebook Page: Stop the Grizzly Killing  – Please Like and Share!

After a long winter, bears emerge from dens to face Trophy Killers.    They have no chance. It’s time for this to end British Columbia! Not BEAUTIFUL BC, NOT SUPER NATURAL … SUPER DISGUSTING!

Full Campaign Details and Donation Page click on: Please share with friends!

Note: ALL FUNDS go directly to our Canadian campaign. There is no need to pay the Generosity fee, edit fee to 0.00. Before May 9th every dime will be spent on Sponsored Ads!
Election Day, May 9th could be the tipping point for our grizzlies…and their protection and also start to protect their habitat!

Thanking you in advance Barb, Neil, Kyle and our whole team.

Campaign Authorized by Stop the Grizzly Killing Society, registered sponsor under Election Act [email protected]




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