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NEW SaveBCBears Facebook Page and Rally Event Feb 15, 2014


Dear Friends,

A New Facebook page has been launched for an event in Victoria called “Save BC Bears”. Please help spread the word by face to face, by email, by Facebook – whatever works. (Go to –

“Save BC Bears” is a public demonstration to end trophy hunting in B.C. 

Trophy hunting is not subsistence hunting. It is killing for sport, then cutting off a body part or taking the fur and for a photo op. After 13 years of peace, bears in two regions of the Cariboo could once again be targets of the trophy hunt this spring, if the govt proposals goes thru?.  And after only 2 short years of closure 2 regions of the Kootenay’s are also proposed to be re-opened?  Even though a recent study shows that grizzly bear kills have exceeded the government’s limits in all areas of the province – up to 171% in some areas. Scientists are calling for a halt to the hunt, given these shocking revelations, but the government is turning a blind eye.

Save BC Bears is not alone in thinking that this senseless sport killing is unethical, and that it is crazy for the government to ignore the best science available. In fact, a 2013 survey found that 90% of British Columbians are against trophy hunting. Furthermore, BC Coastal First Nations have united in declaring a ban on trophy hunting in their traditional territories. (A ban that the BC government refuses to honour.)

Please join us in telling BC’s elected representatives that the trophy hunt must be stopped.On Saturday, February 15th there will be a demonstration on the steps of the Parliament Buildings in Victoria. It will kick off at 2 P.M.

There will be expert speakers, and a team of volunteers collecting signatures for letters to Minister Steve Thomson (the Minister responsible for hunting regulations in BC).

This is an event that Save the Bears group is organizing, and pouring much personal time, resources and heart into. The more people who are present, the stronger our message is.

Please come and join us if you can, and please forward this message on to as many friends as possible!

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