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NEW BOOK: Talking with Bears; Conversations with Charlie Russell by Dr. G.A. Bradshaw is Available NOW!!!

Hi Bear Friends,

We owe a debt of gratitude to author and scientist Dr. Gay Bradshaw for bringing Charlie Russell’s intuitive relationship with Nature and his unrivalled understanding of bears to the world at this juncture.

As a friend and pupil of Charlie Russell, I so appreciate the obvious care the author has taken in selecting experiences over his lifetime to illustrate many findings, including  controversial ones, about bears.  The stunning 60plus original, full-coloured photos included in the book only add to the understanding of this rugged, adventure-prone researcher and his charismatic, yet often feared, megafauna.

The author has not only been a true scribe of Charlie Russell’s experiences and findings, but she has expertly infused her own intimate understanding of transpecies psychology and ecology where appropriate.

This book is not only a must read for those wanting to learn about the true nature of bears but also for those of us already working or living alongside bears. The legacy of Charlie Russell’s work must be continued if we wish to one day live as our ancestors lived, in true harmony with bears and Nature. 

Barb Murray

Bears Matter Consulting

Previous Note: Dr. Gay Bradshaw’s book about Charlie Russell’s life and work with bears is finally HERE! Please pick-up a copy at your local bookstore or order online -either this beautiful Hardcopy book or an E-Book!     Perfect reading whilst the world is faced with the unprecedented  threat of COVID-19 and practicing physically distancing! ❤️

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