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Invitation to Rally to STOP THE GRIZZLY TROPHY HUNT, Monday January 20 at NOON to 1PM! Capilano University, North Vancouver

Morally indefensible Grizzly Bear Trophy Hunt must stop! Rally to end the Grizzly Bear Trophy Hunt   Date: January 20, 201   Time: 12-13:00

Location: Studio Art Building, Capilano University, North Vancouver

Directions; Exit #22 off the freeway, up Lilooett Road. to Monashee Road & park in either of the north pay-parking lots there, then walk south on Monashee Rd. past the new Bosa Film Building to the  Studio Art building.

Trophy hunters have killed well over 10,000 grizzly bears in British Columbia from 1976 to 2012, even though the overwhelming majority of British Columbians oppose the grizzly bear trophy hunt. Scores of British Columbians will rally this coming Monday (January 20, 2014) at the North Vancouver campus of Capilano University to voice their opposition to the grizzly bear trophy hunt – Come Join In!



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