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International trophy hunting organization accused of influencing vancouver sun poll on grizzly hunt


Not satisfied with killing animals around the globe, they’re trying to pressure BC to allow more Grizzlies to be senselessly slaughtered. American trophy killers trying to influence policy in our province. Enough is enough!
Read this article to learn more, and please share this far and wide.
We need people like you to protect BC’s Grizzlies. Please email the following newly elected representatives and let them know that BC residents STRONGLY disagree with Grizzly killing in any part of our province. Packing the meat out is an unacceptable loophole that will be easily exploited, and wealthy trophy killers will continue to slaughter our majestic Grizzly bears for kicks. Despicable!
Adam Olsen – [email protected]
Minister Doug Donaldson – [email protected]
Minister George Heyman – [email protected]
Premier John Horgan – [email protected]
Andrew Weaver – [email protected]
Sonia Furstenau (Green MLA) – [email protected]

Clayton Stoner

Aug 16, 2017 Vancouver Sun Article by Larry Pynn

An international trophy-hunting organization is being criticized for trying to influence a Vancouver Sun online poll on the NDP government ban on the grizzly trophy hunt.
The 50,000-member, U.S.-based Safari Club International (SCI) has posted a tweet designed to rally its supporters, saying: “Your help is needed to support grizzly hunting! Click on this link and vote ‘NO’ at the end of the article!”

SccreenShotSCIAug'17 Screen Shot taken on Twitter by Bears Matter
The Sun’s poll asks: “Are you happy with the B.C. NDP’s plan to ban the grizzly trophy hunt?” It then asks readers to choose between one of two statements: “Yes — Killing bears for sport is senseless;” or “No — A lot of people depend on the hunt to make a living.”
As of Wednesday afternoon, the two positions were running pretty much neck-and-neck, whereas professionally conducted public opinion polls on the issue have shown overwhelming support for ending the hunt.
SCI also issued two news releases this week, arguing that “sustainable management of wildlife in British Columbia was sucker-punched” and accusing the government of “bowing to the bluster of anti-hunters” and ignoring “all sound science that supports a continuation of grizzly bear hunting in that province.”

On Monday, the NDP government made good on a high-profile election promise by announcing a B.C.-wide ban on trophy hunting of grizzly bears, while allowing hunting to continue for meat outside the Great Bear Rainforest.
Trish Boyum, a coastal ecotourism operator and strong advocate of ending the grizzly trophy hunt, urged SCI to butt out of B.C.’s affairs. “We in no way agree with Safari Club being involved in any decision making regarding wildlife in British Columbia,” she said. “This is what happens when we allow these kinds of people to have their way in our province.”

B.C. grizzly hunter calls new provincial ban wasteful, hurtful to local economies
Boyum noted that she is associated with the Facebook page, Stop the Grizzly Killing, boasting 46,000 followers. She isn’t urging them to respond to The Sun’s poll, which she considers poorly worded and unscientific.


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