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Green MLA Backs Grizzly Trophy Hunt Ban & Says Party Policy Inadequate by Larry Pynn

Clayton Stoner

In 2013, National Hockey League defenseman Clayton Stoner ignored the wishes of local aboriginals and shot an adult male grizzly in the Kwatna River estuary. In 2016, Stoner was fined $10,000 under the Wildlife Act for hunting without a proper license and banned from hunting for three years. PROVINCE

A newly elected Green party MLA Adam Olsen said Friday he supports a ban on the grizzly trophy hunt and believes his party’s policy position doesn’t go far enough to end the widely unpopular activity.

“Trophy hunting of grizzlies is something that needs to be banned,” said Adam Olsen, a member of the Tsartlip First Nation on southern Vancouver Island and MLA for Saanich North and the Islands.“It’s important we deal with grizzly trophy hunting. We know that the vast majority of British Columbians are very uncomfortable with the trophy hunt. Whether you live in the cities or rural B.C., it’s been a concern.

“It’s an important issue, and speaks to our relationship with the environment around us.”

The NDP says it plans to ban the grizzly trophy hunt. One option the party has proposed is to make it a condition provincewide that grizzly hunters turn in the head and pelt of a grizzly — a way to end trophy kills, while leaving it open for someone to hunt one for the meat.

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