Skip to content Petition Update: Another Redneck Trophy Killer sponsored by Under Armour: Jessica Taylor Byers

Wife,Texan Dreamer                                                                                           Please take the Pledge at:

Ban Trophy Hunting Pacific Palisades, CA

Remember, Under Armour makes all this possible. #BoycottUnderArmour and spread the word!

Jessica Taylor Byer’s Trophy Killer Facebook page:

Under Armour Hunt Facebook page:


2 thoughts on “ Petition Update: Another Redneck Trophy Killer sponsored by Under Armour: Jessica Taylor Byers”

  1. Hi I am trying to start a campaign to send directly to under armour stockists ( big high street giant chains in the UK.. John Lewis, Next, Groupon and a few more). Christmas is coming and withdrawal of under armour clothes would be a great victory. I have only recently been aware of trophy hunting and I want to help stop it. Could you help with any latest under armour trophy hunting sponsorship information that I could use ( and pictures from 2019 and any numerical figures of petitioners against it, there are so many individual petition and organisations trying to stop this.. maybe we should unite.I aim to contact the companies directly As I know the British public would be outrage if they knew money from buying Dad that Christmas jumper could end up sponsoring this.

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