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Grizzly Cubs Should Be Rehabbed

Grizzly Cubs Should Be Rehabbed

Grizzly Cubs Should Be Rehabbed is a guest editorial published on the LETHBRIDGE HERALD OPINION on June 25, 2020 written by Judy Malone of TOURISTS AGAINST TROPHY HUNTING

In his response to a recent open letter to the Alberta and B.C. governments, signed by more than 100 scientists, bear experts and advocates, asking for three grizzly cubs to be rehabbed for return to the wild, and for an updated grizzly recovery plan, Alberta government spokesperson Gordon Stenhouse seems unaware of recent studies in grizzly rehabilitation and behaviours. It is evidence that should factor into any decisions regarding individuals of a threatened species.Read More »Grizzly Cubs Should Be Rehabbed

Times Colonist: Narcissism is our greatest problem not wild animals Lisa Warden / . JULY 7, 2019 06:00 AM Read the comments coming out of a recent Capital Regional District directors’ meeting and you’d be left thinking we were living in an earlier century, when wild animals occupied the… Read More »Times Colonist: Narcissism is our greatest problem not wild animals

Bryce Casavant Replies to BC Wildlife Federation’s Alan Martin I recognize that this is a difficult time for trophy hunters in B.C. Change is never easy. However, this does not mean we invent alternative facts to support rhetoric. In his opinion piece published in The Vancouver Sun on… Read More »Bryce Casavant Replies to BC Wildlife Federation’s Alan Martin

Auditor General’s Report Reveals Grizzly Bear Management Under FLNR Has Failed, by VWS Society

October 30, 2017 by Recently BC’s Auditor General (AG) reported a plethora of problems in the management of BC’s grizzly bears. (Submitted by the Valhalla Wilderness Society) The report says the problems were caused by a shift… Read More »Auditor General’s Report Reveals Grizzly Bear Management Under FLNR Has Failed, by VWS Society

Grizzly Bear Hunt Should be an Election Issue, Times Colonist July 3,2016 Letter to the Editor: Grizzly bear hunt should be an election issue by Val Murray and Barb Murray  July 3, 2017 The trophy killing of grizzly bears is an embarrassment to B.C. It hurts us all, environmentally, morally and… Read More »Grizzly Bear Hunt Should be an Election Issue, Times Colonist July 3,2016

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