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Letter of Complaint to NDP govt regarding Conservation Officer Service

Terminology that Justifies Killing Bears Used by the Goverment

Terminology that Justifies Killing Bears Used by the Goverment

Terminology that Justifies Killing Bears

Terminology that Justifies Killing BearsIn response to the recent killing of a mother bear and her three cubs in Princeton, and all the other unnecessary bear deaths across British Columbia, Northshore Black Bear Society director Ellie Lamb has these important points to share.

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Action Alert & STATEMENT ON COQUITLAM BEAR KILLINGS AND ARRESTS Fur-Bearers 07/31/2019 – 12:46 The Fur-Bearers believes that a healthy, safe British Columbia includes a well-funded and trained Conservation Officer Service that has appropriate third party oversight and a clear mandate for interacting with wildlife and the public. Letters sent… Read More »Action Alert & STATEMENT ON COQUITLAM BEAR KILLINGS AND ARRESTS Fur-Bearers

November 29, 2017 Letter of Complaint to Premier Horgan; re: The Recruitment and Operations of Conservation Officers in B.C.

November 29, 2017 Dear Premier Horgan et al, We are writing to file a public service complaint regarding the operational and recruitment (or hiring) practices of the BC Conservation Officer Service (COS). We assert that a clear conflict of interest… Read More »November 29, 2017 Letter of Complaint to Premier Horgan; re: The Recruitment and Operations of Conservation Officers in B.C.

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