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Charlie Russell comments on BC Wildlife Federation’s Recent Statement on Grizzly Hunt Regulations

Oct 20, 2017 Charlie Russell’s response to BCWF’s Oct. 17, 2017 Statement beginning with an Executive Summary (see below) Download BCWF Full nine page document at: The main thrust of this statement from the BCWF about the grizzly hunt is about government listening… Read More »Charlie Russell comments on BC Wildlife Federation’s Recent Statement on Grizzly Hunt Regulations

B.C. Wildlife Federation’s Response to the Proposed Govt Grizzly “Meat” Hunt Reg’s

Executive Summary for the full nine page response download pdf at: Note: Bears Matter’s comments in bold &  in brackets The BCWF is extremely disappointed by the Provincial Government’s deviation from science-based wildlife management (selected science at best and it… Read More »B.C. Wildlife Federation’s Response to the Proposed Govt Grizzly “Meat” Hunt Reg’s

Media Advisory: 44 Signators Say Grizzly ‘Meat’ Hunt Will Be A ‘Trophy’ Hunt in Disguise

For Immediate Release: October 6, 2017 New Denver, BC – Forty-four environmental and animal welfare organizations, along with wildlife-based businesses and prominent activists, have signed an Open Letter to the BC Government opposing the continuation of grizzly bear hunting for meat.… Read More »Media Advisory: 44 Signators Say Grizzly ‘Meat’ Hunt Will Be A ‘Trophy’ Hunt in Disguise

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