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Bears Matter Thanksgiving Message to Premier Horgan re: Moratorium on Grizzly Hunt accross BC


October 07, 2017

Dear Honourable Premier Horgan,

I want to sincerely wish you and yours a very Happy Thanksgiving celebration especially as our new Premier.

We, British Columbians, are so fortunate and have so much to be thankful for. We can never take for granted the natural treasures and abundance that makes our province so special.

Premier Horgan, many of us voted for you to ensure that our beautiful natural lands are properly protected for future generations. On that note there is one area of contention that brings your government’s commitment to responsible stewardship into question; your mis-guided, pre-election promise that calls for an old law to be brought back that would force the packing out of meat of a hunted grizzly.

Unfortunately just because you make a law doesn’t mean that it will end the non-meat hunting of Grizzlies. If this were the case we would all be behind you!

Please rescind this promise immediately and enact a moratorium on all hunting of grizzly bears across BC. This one simple, logical step would send a powerful message to the world that BC is taking back control from those that wish to exploit it’s treasures.

Please read our Open Letter, Mr. Premier, signed by 38 leaders in grizzly conservation and understand we mostly support your leadership except on this issue we need you to see it in the light of day for what it is. There is no real ‘grizzly meat’ hunt by ethical hunters and never will be even if you make it a law. If your government continues to buy into the political maneuvering by the prohunter groups then your leadership will be tainted throughout your reign. Please pause, rethink and show the courage and leadership that will make us proud! Our Grizzlies’ future are depending on you and so are we!

Most sincerely,
Barb Murray
Bears Matter
Nanoose Bay via  North Van via Whistler via  Prince George

cc  [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected]

For more information go to our Leaders of Grizzly Bear Conservation’s Website Click Here: Valhalla Wilderness Society in New Denver, BC



1 thought on “Bears Matter Thanksgiving Message to Premier Horgan re: Moratorium on Grizzly Hunt accross BC”

  1. STOP any killing of any BEARS!
    I want this comment to stand as my VOICE, MY VOTE. This must stop. As the Elephant, Rhino, and now , Giraffes; all of this must stop. Solving nothing. I get there are hungry, no , starving people in the world. The maniacs killing these helpless , defenseless beautiful creatures, are not helping those people. They’re just profitting for themselves. Creepy Poachers!

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