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British Columbia’s New NDP Government Announces an End to Grizzly Bear Hunting!


Halting the Grizzly Killing in BC!
BC Government Banned the Killing of Grizzlies on December 18, 2017

We wish to thank the Government of British Columbia for listening to the will of the people and acting boldly by placing a full ban on the Grizzly sport hunt. We would also like to thank and congratulate all of you for participating and contributing towards helping British Columbia become the worlds largest Grizzly Bear sanctuary.
With gratitude. STGK ( posted on Stop the Grizzly Killing Facebook Page on Dec 18, 2018 )

Note: Bears Matter has been honoured to be apart of the team at Stop the Grizzly Killing since 2009! We will continue to work toward more protections for our grizzlies in the way of habitat preservation and strict enforcement of our Wildlife Act.

  Watch and read the BC Government News Release on Stopping the Hunting of Grizzly Bears in British Columbia…..effectively immediately!



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