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Monica Magnetti

Jim Shockey’s Museum is One Man’s Trophy Collection

Jim Shockey’s Museum is One Man’s Trophy Collection

Jim Shockey’s Museum is One Man’s Trophy Collection Jim Shockey’s Hand of Man Museum in Maple Bay B.C. is nothing but one man’s trophy collection. In B.C. 80% of the population opposes trophy hunting.

Who Is Jim Shockey?

Jim Shockey owns two guide outfitting companies in B.C. and Yukon. He hosts tv hunting series and has authored books on hunting. He also holds the record for killing the most wildlife species: three hundred and sixty seven.Read More »Jim Shockey’s Museum is One Man’s Trophy Collection

A suggestion from Barb

‘As you read this study think about the relationship between humans and bears and how it was not always the one-sided relationship it is today! The settlers and modern day humans do not share spaces and resources well with our wildlife while the Indigenous Peoples obviously did and now they need to show us the way forward!’

BarbRead More »A suggestion from Barb

Killing wolves is not OK and must be abolished

Killing wolves is not OK and must be abolished

Killing Wolves is Not OK
Photo by IanMcAllister Pacific Wild
Barb Murray from is outraged and devastated about the intention of eradincating wolves. She is asking herself, the followers and the polititians very good questions.
“ Is 90% eradication of wolves what these BC groups & our government going for??? Or is it 85% Or 75%? Please tell us BC Wildlife Federation, Wild Sheep Foundation,  Safari Club International, Guide Outfitters Association of British Columbia, etc etc what is the percentage that will make you stop?”

Read More »Killing wolves is not OK and must be abolished

You can help BC Wolves! 

you can help BC wolves
Photo by IanMcAllister Pacific Wild

You can help BC Wolves!

You can help BC Wolves! We need as many people as possible to help our wolves by writing to Minister Conroy and asking her to reduce the uncontrolled hunting and trapping of wolves in British Columbia.
Please send your email to Minister Conroy at [email protected]

And cc the Premier and these ministers listed below.
[email protected]

Read More »You can help BC Wolves! 

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