Barb Murray
You can help BC Wolves!
You can help BC Wolves!
And cc the Premier and these ministers listed below.
[email protected]
Wolf Killing Loophole Needs Closing, Says Minister Conroy
Wolf Killing ‘Loophole’ Needs Closing, Says Minister Conroy
“Wolf Killing Loophole Needs Closing, Says Minister Conroy” is a summary that our own Barb Murray wrote to introduce a joint letter written by 28 groups and conservationists to Minister Conroy.
Read More »Wolf Killing Loophole Needs Closing, Says Minister Conroy
Terminology that Justifies Killing Bears Used by the Goverment
Terminology that Justifies Killing Bears Used by the Goverment
Terminology that Justifies Killing Bears
Read More »Terminology that Justifies Killing Bears Used by the Goverment
WBF Newsletter Summer 2020
Welcome to Issue 18 of Bears Matter! We are delighted to bring you news of our distribution of funds during the first half of 2020 and the amazing projects around the world we continue to support. Of course, we couldn’t do any of it without you and we are so grateful for your ongoing support of and commitment to the Winton Bear Foundation. Since we were created in 2010 we have donated £24, 264 to 41 beneficiary organisations and helped bears in 19 countries. Cambodia, Canada, China, Ecuador, India, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Peru, Romania, Russia, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States, Vietnam. This year we have added a new beneficiary, as well helping seven previous ones.
We’ve all been a bit like bears, hibernating through this time of uncertainty. Lockdown has had an effect on projects far and wide, and we want to continue to support the work they do through this difficult time. So, without further ado, we would like to tell you more about what we have been doing, with your help, so far in 2020. Enjoy!
Trying to reduce grizzly bear conflicts on alpine trails in Whistler
Trying to reduce grizzly bear conflicts on alpine trails in Whistler
Trying to reduce grizzly bear conflicts on alpine trails in Whistler is every year a priority. Often people forget that is bear country and that are the human who are guests, and must respect the wild life.
Read he article below which is a repost of the orginal article published by RMOW with the title:
RMOW and Province working to reduce grizzly bear conflicts on alpine trails
Publication Date: April 8, 2020Read More »Trying to reduce grizzly bear conflicts on alpine trails in Whistler