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Trophy hunters decimate bears in BC Valley under “abysmal” policy. Abe Dougan only Bear Guide in the Upper Pitt!

First in a series investigating B.C.’s trophy hunt. As public servants and their critics debate the justifications of the hunt, we start with a story of bears caught in the political crossfire. by Claire Hume Jan 15th, 2015


Abe Dougan, hunting guide with Big Boar Outfitters, and a dead black bear. Image sourced from
Abe Dougan, hunting guide with Big Boar Outfitters, and a dead black bear. Image sourced from

The Pitt River community is small. There is a muddy logging camp, a fishing lodge, a few private homes. The area, 60 kilometres from Vancouver, is so wild it is often compared to Alaska by visiting anglers. 

The area is inaccessible by road: getting there requires an hour-long boat trip to the mouth of the Upper Pitt River. Even this is a slow route that requires navigating the fallen trees that float ominously below the surface.

Until recently, grizzlies and black bears have thrived against a backdrop of snow-capped mountains, steep rocky cliffs, and rushing water, feasting on the seasonal runs of sockeye, coho and chinook salmon.

Here in this quiet valley, the failures of one of B.C.’s most controversial wildlife policies come into sharp focus. The management of bears has long been contentious, but the provincial government argues the species can withstand the pressure brought by foreign hunters.

But the apparent eradication of bears in the Pitt River Valley by a single guide, hunting within his legal limit, suggests otherwise.

This series examines the background forces shaping environmental management in B.C. As public servants and their critics debate, we start with a story of bears caught in the political crossfire.

Bears once a common sight in Pitt River Valley

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Bears Matter Note: Please go to my Petition Site  to learn more about Trophy Hunting of Grizzlies and Black Bears in BC.  After reading this article please write letters to the editor of your local newspapers, write MLA’s, write Premier Clark and share this particular story with as many people as possible. If the gov’t can’t manage our black bears how can we trust them to manage our ‘threatened’ grizzlies? Also you can ‘Like’ facebook page ‘Stop the Grizzly Killing’ and share.  Thank you  Barb at Bears Matter


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