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Today Bears Matter asked the Public to Attend Court Case for NHL Ducks Clayton Stoner

Stoner & Cheeky Photo

Stock Photo of Clayton Stoner                                Photo of  Courtesy

A couple days ago I put out an invite on Facebook  for this court appearance ( or postponement it turns out- third one). I was relieved and happy to see a dozen people with signs at the Courthouse when I arrived.  Amazingly we had a half a dozen media assembled as well who are also following this important case.  The tragic early death of a grizzly in May 2013 spurred on the First Nations group to do a short documentary about the loss of the known grizzly called ‘Bear Witness’ and their struggle to Ban Trophy Killing in their territory.

Some hunters and ‘trophy’ hunters respect the First Nations right to govern their land and the wildlife and others are brutally disrespectful and point to their gov’t issued tags (or not)  and  then trespass,  take the heads and paws and sometimes hides from their trophies and leave as quickly as they came.  Trophy killing must end and hopefully with the help of this case it will, sooner rather than later.

Also special mention needs to go to a recent campaign and petition started by , working with , to bring pressure to our two Canadian airlines to do the right thing. On twitter you can tollow the campaign with the hashtag #BanTrophyExports so that Air Canada and WestJet hear the voices of the majority loud and clear.  Pls share articles, posts, tweets, instragrams etc… and write letters, sign petitions and make your opinions known.  We are back at the courthouse in Vancouver, BC on Nov 13, ..but will update this blog, facebook and twitter account. Here is one of many articles that came out this morning.

1 thought on “Today Bears Matter asked the Public to Attend Court Case for NHL Ducks Clayton Stoner”

  1. Please e-mail me when you are planning any events in the Vancouver area. My MLA is Suzanne Anton . I make sure she is aware of the disgraceful killing of Grizzly Bears for fun and profit on a regular basis. I stop by her office,I e-mail her and I talk to her at community events. I have never protested anything and I am 54 years old. Thank you for your work on this cause. The whole thing is just so immoral!

    Bill Oberson

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