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Scott Ellis

Larry Pynn: Guide Outfitters (Association of B.C.) Rile NFL Team & Environmental Group with Bid to Trademark ‘Bears Matter’

Update August 08, 2017 from Bears Matter: NFL Team has abandoned their opposition to this trade mark application by the GOABC. Myself, Barb Murray, who has operated the non-profit business Bears Matter for in excess of 8 years has filed an amended opposition statement and is preparing evidence… Read More »Larry Pynn: Guide Outfitters (Association of B.C.) Rile NFL Team & Environmental Group with Bid to Trademark ‘Bears Matter’

Grizzly bear population at risk as B.C. Liberal government aligns with trophy hunters

Photo of Premier Christy Clark at 2012 GOABC convention from Facebook. GOABC president Mark Werner, left, and executive director Scott Ellis, right.   By Claire Hume Jan.27’15 Vancouver Observer   Third in a series investigating B.C.’s trophy hunt. Read part one and two… Read More »Grizzly bear population at risk as B.C. Liberal government aligns with trophy hunters

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