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Ellie Lamb

Improve Understanding of Bears

Improve Understanding of Bears

Improve Understanding of Bears Improve Understanding of Bears are valuable considerations to avoid humans conflict with bears from our knowledgeable Ellie Lamb. August 3rd, 2020

Hi Friends,
Recent and on going events around bears inspired me to make a few notes to help in our understanding of bears. Here we go…
A commonly used phrase in describing bears is, “…they are dangerous because they have lost their fear of people”. In my experience, this thought misrepresents the natural behaviours of a bear. Bears, unless we made them fearful, were never fearful to begin with.Read More »Improve Understanding of Bears

Who are Grizzly Bears? Posted by JUSTICEFORBCGRIZZLIES onDECEMBER 13, 2018 “The safest forests are the forests where bears do not fear people.”   By Ellie Lamb Based on thousands of private hours with bears, spanning 18 years of guiding people into the back country,… Read More »Who are Grizzly Bears?

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