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Bear Witness: Film takes aim at Grizzly Hunt by Damien Gillis

Post from: 6 PostedSeptember 5, 2013 by Damien Gillis in BC       A new, 22-min documentary film released earlier this week by Coastal First Nations – a coalition of aboriginal bands which has led the campaign against the… Read More »Bear Witness: Film takes aim at Grizzly Hunt by Damien Gillis

Letter to Minister Polak from Valhalla Wilderness Society re: Pipelines thru Prime Grizzly Protected Areas

Valhalla Wilderness Society October 8, 2013 Hon. Mary Polak Minister of Environment PO Box 9049 Stn Prov Govt Victoria, BC V8W 9E2 Phone: 250 387-1187, Fax: 250 387-1356 [email protected] Re: Please Stop Natural Gas Pipeline route surveys and any… Read More »Letter to Minister Polak from Valhalla Wilderness Society re: Pipelines thru Prime Grizzly Protected Areas

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