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BC Bungled Grizzly Bear Management: Auditor General Report by Judith Lavoie A muddled mess of plans that were never implemented, unclear accountability, lack of organized monitoring and spotty oversight has been at the root of the provincial government’s management of grizzly bear populations for more than two decades, Auditor General… Read More »BC Bungled Grizzly Bear Management: Auditor General Report by Judith Lavoie

Media Advisory: 44 Signators Say Grizzly ‘Meat’ Hunt Will Be A ‘Trophy’ Hunt in Disguise

For Immediate Release: October 6, 2017 New Denver, BC – Forty-four environmental and animal welfare organizations, along with wildlife-based businesses and prominent activists, have signed an Open Letter to the BC Government opposing the continuation of grizzly bear hunting for meat.… Read More »Media Advisory: 44 Signators Say Grizzly ‘Meat’ Hunt Will Be A ‘Trophy’ Hunt in Disguise

Times Colonist, Comment: Wildlife-Management Reform is Long Overdue

TIMES COLONIST AUGUST 11, 2017 The underpinnings of contemporary wildlife management are political and ideological, largely at the expense of wildlife for the presumed benefit of people. Unsurprisingly, wildlife management in British Columbia is marked by an outdated mindset… Read More »Times Colonist, Comment: Wildlife-Management Reform is Long Overdue

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