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BC Govt needs to Stop killing predators

When Wildlife is Abandoned by Gosia Bryja, Ph.D    April 6, 2019 Times are changing. For the better, people say. Among other things, we have begun to recognize empathy and compassion as guiding principles in our co-existence with nature. We also increasingly extend the feelings that were previously reserved… Read More »When Wildlife is Abandoned by Gosia Bryja, Ph.D

Wolf-Whacker’s Video Rant Against Global BC TV, Pro-Wildlife Coalition & Residents of BC -Those Against Wildlife Killing Contests in BC

March 14, 2019 Watch the 5 min ‘Wolf-Whacker Rant’ on YouTube that gave raise to GlobalBCTV’s 2nd newscast on Horrendous Wildlife Killing Contests in BC, including bounty payout program!
Read More »Wolf-Whacker’s Video Rant Against Global BC TV, Pro-Wildlife Coalition & Residents of BC -Those Against Wildlife Killing Contests in BC

Charlotte Dawe: Our obsession with killing some animals to save others By Charlotte Dawe Saving a species from extinction will prevent death and suffering—or will it? Government strategies for saving species at risk are showing a troubling trend of relying heavily on killing one species to save another. Wolves, cormorants,… Read More »Charlotte Dawe: Our obsession with killing some animals to save others

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