November 24, 2016 VANCOUVER– New Democrat leader John Horgan announced a New Democrat government will ban the trophy hunting of grizzly bears in British Columbia. “It’s time for some leadership here,” said Horgan. “We can look after our natural… Read More »Horgan and NDP Commits to Ban Grizzly Bear Trophy Hunt- November 24, 2016
In North America, hundreds of grizzly bears are killed for sport by trophy hunters every year. This “sport” is outdated, wasteful and inherently cruel. Trophy examines the effect that trophy hunting has on the people, land and animals. Can we… Read More »Trophy Film – Trailer by Lush Cosmetics Co., August 17, 2016
Julius Strauss is a B.C.-based bear viewing guide and member of the Commercial Bear Viewing Association
The killing of a black bear by a U.S. hunter with a spear this week in Alberta has caused public outrage.
What has shocked is not so much the cruelty involved – the bear survived its initial injuries and ran off into the forest only to die later – but that the bear had been baited, and the act was legal.
The hunter, Josh Bowmar from Ohio, went on to celebrate the feat by posting a video of the killing on YouTube replete with footage from a GoPro he had attached to the spear.
Another hunter said Mr. Bowmar had “cojones” for being willing to approach the bear on foot, as it rummaged around a baited barrel that had been put out specifically for the purpose.
Mary-Sue, Grizzly Ambassador, holding a salmon award As a North Vancouver mother of 3, I love our beautiful natural environment in British Columbia. Our magnificent grizzly bears are an iconic species and tourists from around the world come here for… Read More »Meet The First Justice for BC Grizzlies’ Ambassadors
“ I’m afraid to even breathe.” This, uttered in the smallest of whispers by a substantially large, typically exuberant Australian fellow sitting next to me in our open skiff, as we quietly bobbed offshore from where a young female… Read More »Bear Viewing Today and Always posted by Justice for BC Grizzlies