Since 2006, Robyn Appleton, resident of Squamish, B.C. and UBC PhD student has been climbing and studying the rare and endangered Spectacled Bear in the tropical dry forests of North-Western Peru. She will be sharing with us her adventures and research thru amazing stories, photos and video clips of the climbing bears, people and landscape of Peru.
Robyn has been working with a film crew for the past few years and will be featured in the up and coming BEARTREK Film next year! See clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Li2VJWKp5aM
There is no other bear species in the world that would scale rock faces like this. You are in for a very unique and memorable evening!
Peruvian Hand-Crafted Products for Sale before and after each show! All sales will help support The Spectacled Bear Conservation Society. Help us save the endangered Spectacled (Andean) Bear while giving a much needed boost to the economy of the remote communities of north-western Peru. It’s your chance to purchase one of the unique hand woven textiles, carved mates, hand felted animals and birds, sterling silver jewelry, hand knit or wooden toys and much more…
Raven Pub, Deep Cove, November 24 @ 7pm. 1060 Deep Cove Rd, North Vancouver (604)929-3834 Free! http://www.theravenpub.com