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Orphaned Wild Grizzly Cubs Need YOUR HELP NOW!

Orphaned Wild Grizzly Cubs Need YOUR HELP NOW!

Orphaned Wild Grizzly Cubs Need YOUR HELP! And they need it NOW.

Two months ago, on April 28, 2020, a group of scientists, conservationists and business people from Canada and the US, got together in many virtual ways. They had three goals:

    1.  to make sure that the three orphaned wild grizzly cubs, whose mother was killed by hunters in Alberta, were sent into a wildlife rehabilitation centre (in Smithers,B.C.) and then, eventually, be released in Alberta.
    2. To persuade the Alberta government to update the 2016 Alberta Grizzly Bear Recovery Plan
    3. To encourage the Alberta government to licence one or both of their black bear rehabilitation centres for grizzly bears.

The option for the orphaned wild grizzly cubs ? Continue their confinement in the Calgary Zoo until they could be placed in random zoos somewhere in North America for a life of misery in detention. Majestic. Orphaned. Wild. Grizzly. Cubs whose mother was killed by hunters. Relegated to zoos.

Orphaned Wild Grizzly Cubs

The open letter was sent from BearsMatter on May 20, 2020 on behalf of well-known signatories and to this day the ministry has not officially answered the concerns of the pro-rehabilitation signatories. Ignored. Completely. The Calgary Zoo is not even releasing photos or video updates of the three cubs. The same two photos have been circulating since the bears were secretly admitted to the Calgary Zoo at the beginning end of April or beginning of May.

We hope you feel like the 104 of us who have signed the letter to Honourable Jason Nixon, Minister of Environment and Parks RE: Open Letter: Rehabilitated grizzly cubs can boost Alberta grizzly bear recovery

Or like approximately the four hundred who have signed the letter Rehabilitated grizzly cubs can boost Alberta grizzly bear 

Today we are sharing celebrating the television interview of Lisa Dahlseide, Conservation Biologist, Environmental Educator at the Cochrane Ecological Institute also working at Weaselhead Glenmore Park Preservation Society, with CTV Calgary. Lisa was well spoken when recapping the situation and the preference about rehabilitation expressed by multiple bears experts. Enjoy watching the short news clip video before you jump into action to make sure the rehabilitation is chosen as the only option.

Group wants orphaned grizzly cubs sheltered at the Calgary Zoo released back into the wild

We need to have our voices heard. We need you to take immediate action with emails & phone calls promoting rehab versus confinement.

Ask Decision-Makers below to save these three Orphaned Wild Grizzly Cubs from an inhumane and unfair life in captivity and also to ReStart The Alberta Grizzly Bear Recovery Plan for ’Threatened Species’.

Call and leave your name:
Calgary Zoo 1-800-588-9993
You can email the Zoo at [email protected] asking to confirm their got you email
Minister Jason Nixon [email protected]               1-780-427-2391
[email protected]               1-780-427-7763
[email protected]                         1-780-644-5155
Please also sign this auto-letter by adding your signature at the end and they will do all the work to submit it.  Rehabilitated grizzly cubs can boost Alberta grizzly bear 

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