Members of the public may send comments to the Fish and Wildlife Branch at [email protected] until November 2, 2017 –
The letter below is a sample of letters that have been emailed to Fish and Wildlife Branch….

Quote taken from hunter’s Facebook page before it was closed to the public on Oct 23’17 “Big Teddy is hanging out at my buddy’s place in Vancouver BC while I wait for all the permits to cross the border.” – US Trophy Hunter
Oct 23, 2017
Dear Fish and Wildlife Branch at [email protected]
Re: Possible loopholes in the plan to regulate the grizzly hunt in our province
I just read a post about a grizzly bear that was killed recently. It was a record-sized grizzly bear which apparently is the second largest grizzly ever shot in BC.
I believe that an unconditional ban must be put on this deplorable hunt. It is not acceptable, on any level, to snuff out the life of a living, breathing creature, for fun and for profit.
All loopholes that may allow trophy (and they are all trophy!) hunts must be closed. I hope and pray that I never again have to view a picture like the one I saw this morning – a hunter smiling over his kill of the “second largest grizzly ever shot in BC”. This was a beautiful creature that did not deserve to die. The “hunter” was just one of many heartless, thrill seeking individuals –maniacal psychopaths really; who kills for fun other than psychopaths? – who use our beautiful wilderness for their fun-seeking, destructive and selfish pleasure. We must not allow it. British Columbia is better than this – our government must protect all life in this province.
I voted for this government on their promise to “end the grizzly hunt” – to end it! I even told our MP, Ralph Sultan, that I was voting NDP because the Liberals would not end the hunt. However, from what I have read, I fear that the hunt “will not end unless the NDP Government closes loopholes in their plan to regulate the grizzly hunt in our province.”
Please ensure that there are no “loopholes” – and that grizzly bear hunting will be banned completely – not just “regulated”. I trust that the government will fulfill its promise and that my vote was not wasted.
Thank you for requesting our input.
PS: with regard to “Bear Meat”– On The Mayo Clinic Website under
Diseases and Conditions -Trichinosis –
It states that “Wild animals, including bear, continue to be sources of infection.”
Never believe it when these creeps lie that “bear meat” is for consumption – it’s not!
Premier John Horgan and the Government of British Columbia;
I am once again asking that you stop all hunting of grizzly bears in British Columbia. Animals are dying and being killed at an unacceptable rate and we can no longer allow the slaughter of the remaining animals. Allowing grizzlies to be killed for their meat is not going to stop trophy hunters as is shown in this October 2017 photograph. Saying it is OK to kill grizzlies for their meat is not going to help the species survive. Trophy hunters will continue until they are stopped. Please ensure the trophy hunters stop the hunting of grizzly bears in British Columbia.
Trophy Killing of Grizzly Bears