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Concerned over grizzly hunting

Today’s in Calgary Herald Letter To Editor June 9, 2020: by Carol Tracey, Calgary
this is the letter:

Concerned over grizzly hunting

Re: Grizzly bear cubs cannot go back to the wild; Orphans would have a hard time surviving, Gordon Stenhouse says, Opinion, May 28

On June 5 Canada celebrated UN World Environment Day whose theme this year is biodiversity.

In keeping with this sentiment, I re-read The Grizzly Manifesto written by Jeff Gailus who passionately champions the cause of vanishing grizzlies.

Concerned over grizzly huntingHe recounts his meeting with a sow grizzly and two cubs that ended peacefully. Well-known naturalist (not a biologist) Charlie Russell (  also encountered grizzlies with no harm. He frequently suggested that humans caused the majority of the problems.

While the orphaned grizzly cubs await their fate to be determined, I await details of why the sow grizzly was killed by hunter(s). Knowing that bears, many with cubs, are attempting to regain their strength after hibernation, I, for one, question why any hunting is allowed during that particular period.

Carol Tracey, Calgary

Today’s in Calgary Herald Letter To Editor June 9, 2020

Bears Matter thanks Carol Tracey for this very well thought out and written letter. We also want to remind the public that the fate of the 3 orphaned Grizzly cubs still has not be determine and that no information has been given to the public. We strongly suggest rehabilitation versus confinement in zoos.
Please go to

URGENT ACTION NEEDED! Against Captivity for 3 Grizzly Cubs at the Calgary Zoo

and send letters to newspapers and decision-makers. All information is in the link above.
Also sign letter in this link below

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