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Conservationists worried about impending bear hunt by Mark Hume-Globe and Mail

NOTE from BM: Bears Matter Petition Letter to Premier Clark to Ban the Trophy Killing of Grizzly Bears in BC: 

“There’s a real variety of bears that we see there. There are bears that are very wild and others that have been [getting used to humans] for years and years,” he said. “We’ve got a bear we call Mom and … she’s had two sets of triplets over the course of my time doing photo tours there. Literally, a hunter could walk up to within 20 feet and shoot her. She has absolutely no concern for human beings at all. Very much like Big Momma. There’s a whole host of bears that we’ve named. It almost makes me sick to my stomach to think someone could go in there and shoot them.”

Mr. Marriott said the Cariboo wildlife units should remain closed because the bears are so vulnerable, and because they support a growing wildlife-viewing business that makes them more valuable alive than dead.

“This is one of the most spectacular bear-viewing places in the world. It’s on par with the Khutzeymateen Grizzly Bear Sanctuary,” he said, referring to a provincial park on B.C.’s North Coast. “This whole area where they are trying to expand this hunt is … national-park-like stuff. It’s stunningly beautiful.”

In December, the government decided to open the four wildlife management units – two in the Cariboo and two in the Kootenays – to limited spring hunting, starting in April. Garth Mowat, head of the government’s natural resource science and stewardship section in the Kootenay region, said the province routinely closes management units when game populations are threatened.

Shame on the trophy hunters: a grizzly bear is worth more alive than dead

  NOTE from BM: Bears Matter Petition Letter to Premier Clark to Ban the Trophy Killing of Grizzly Bears in BC:    Cheeky the bear, Courtesy of by Jacqeline Windh for  Feb 21, 2014  (see… Read More »Shame on the trophy hunters: a grizzly bear is worth more alive than dead

CBC Article, Bear Trophy Hunt Opposed at B.C. Legislature Rally – included is Video Clip of Vicky Husband on this issue. Bears Matter Note-205 letters were signed at Rally -well over 200 attended Rally in the wind and rain…well done! Dozens gathered at the B.C. legislature Saturday afternoon for a… Read More »CBC Article, Bear Trophy Hunt Opposed at B.C. Legislature Rally

Bear Witness: Film takes aim at Grizzly Hunt by Damien Gillis

Post from: 6 PostedSeptember 5, 2013 by Damien Gillis in BC       A new, 22-min documentary film released earlier this week by Coastal First Nations – a coalition of aboriginal bands which has led the campaign against the… Read More »Bear Witness: Film takes aim at Grizzly Hunt by Damien Gillis

Bear watching more profitable than bear hunting, says study

A Kermode bear, better known as the Spirit Bear, is seen fishing in the Riordan River on Gribbell Island. (Jonathan Hayward/Canadian Press)  Jan 08,2014 There is more money in looking at bears than there is in shooting them — 12… Read More »Bear watching more profitable than bear hunting, says study

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