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Let’s Talk Cougars (and Deer) in Nanoose Bay, B.C.

Photo by Tony Ransom, May'15

July 7, 2015 Summary of Ross Peterson  & Conservation Officer Stuart Bates Presentations 

 How to Prevent Cougar Encounters

  • Avoid hiking/walking at night
  • Hike/walk with a partner
  • DO NOT feed deer and racoons
  • Keep dogs on leash
  • Secure pets and livestock
  • Keep small children close

Rockhaven_Cougar_3_May 10_2015

 May 10’15 Photo T. Ransom
Wildlife Cam on Rockhampton Cougar Sighting June 20, 2015 at 6:54am (Date in photo incorrect)


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Action Alert: Save BC Wolves from Aerial Killing:Pacific Wild Petitioning B.C. Liberals Premier Christy Clark

This petition will be delivered to: B.C. Liberals:Premier Christy Clark,Minister of Forest, Lands and Natural Resource,Hon. Steve Thomson,B.C. Minister of the Environment,Hon. Mary Polak, Green Party Leader,Elizabeth May Assistant Deputy Minister – Ministry of Forest, Lands and Natural Resource Operations,Tom… Read More »Action Alert: Save BC Wolves from Aerial Killing:Pacific Wild Petitioning B.C. Liberals Premier Christy Clark

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