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Globe & Mail Article by Gary Mason & Graphic Video; ‘I Challenge BC’s Premier to Watch this Grizzly Bear Hunt Video’

It seems bizarre that we can be outraged by the trophy hunting we witnessed in Africa, but allow the same thing to happen in our own country. (Fotofeeling/Westend61 GmbH)It seems bizarre that we can be outraged by the trophy hunting we witnessed in Africa, but allow the same thing to happen in our own country.
(Fotofeeling/Westend61 GmbH)

The Globe and Mail

There are images that hit the Internet that break our hearts. And there are those that make us furious. A new video making the rounds on social media is managing to do both – and the B.C. government should be alive to the backlash it is creating.

The video opens with a grizzly bear wandering nonchalantly on a remote hillside. A shot rings out that kicks up dust beside the bear, with no evident impact on him. An off-camera voice urges the shooter to fire again. And then the carnage begins: For the next 90 seconds, you can only watch in disgust and horror as the bear is peppered with bullets from a rifle that seems to have only enough power to torture this poor creature to death, rather than end its life in anything resembling a humane way. 
Warning: The video below is extremely graphic. Viewer discretion is advised.

There are two parts of the video that are particularly disturbing: the bear running in a tight circle in reaction to the bullets hitting him; and then its final, crushing, end-over-end death tumble down a snow-covered hillside, a trail of deep red blood covering his fall line. Soon, the hunters can be heard laughing and celebrating, elated that the bear’s cartwheel to the bottom of the hill means less work lugging the carcass out of the bush.

Read More »Globe & Mail Article by Gary Mason & Graphic Video; ‘I Challenge BC’s Premier to Watch this Grizzly Bear Hunt Video’

B.C. Has its Own Version of Cecil the Lion by Julius Strauss and Kevin Smith

Banff Bear Sighting 20140318

Grizzly bear viewing is a growing tourism business that brings in millions of dollars to the B.C. economy. PHOTO: Jonathan Hayward/CP

While the world has been gripped by the sad fate of Cecil the Lion, shot earlier this week by an American trophy hunter on the plains of Africa and left to die, British Columbia has many of its very own Cecils quietly bringing millions of dollars into the provincial economy.

Over the last two decades, grizzly bear viewing in B.C. has grown from a tiny niche business to one estimated be worth $30 million in direct revenue to the economy in 2012, according to the Centre for Responsible Travel’s study conducted with Stanford University.

This is more than 10 times as much as the industry of killing bears for sport.

And yet, this industry is under pressure from trophy hunting.

Read More »B.C. Has its Own Version of Cecil the Lion by Julius Strauss and Kevin Smith

Michelle Stilwell MLA Parksville-Qualicum Responds to Kill Order of Newborn Cubs by COS and Suspension of Officer Bryce Casavant

From: Barb Murray <[email protected]>
Date: 15 July, 2015 11:03:20 PM PDT
To: “<[email protected]>Cc: Jane Thornthwaite MLA <[email protected]>
Subject: Successful Interventions by previous Ministers/Premier in wrong minded COS cub killing policy

Dear Ms. Stilwell,

After your response to me I would like to share with you some background and the real possibility of a reprieve for the two orphan cubs in Errington and for other orphaned cubs across  BC. It appears you may not have been briefed fully by the COS or your support staff.

Read More »Michelle Stilwell MLA Parksville-Qualicum Responds to Kill Order of Newborn Cubs by COS and Suspension of Officer Bryce Casavant

Letter PQ News: Port Hardy Cubs Need Some Fairness and So Does Officer Bryce Casavant in response to article      July 14th: Famous Bear Cubs Calling Errington Home for Now by Carli Berry

Dear Editor,

In 2004 I was involved in a ‘save the cubs’ campaign on the North Shore, very much like the one playing out in Errington at this present time, minus social media.

Our conservation officer killed a yearling cub and a cub of the year with a lethal injection of a tranquilizer drug, kids and media watching.

A short time later another cub of the year was rescued by a District of North Vancouver park ranger and myself and then he too was killed in front of us because he was deemed ‘habituated’ and ‘food conditioned’ by the powers that be in Victoria.

That was the straw that broke the public confidence in the conservation officer service (COS) to do the right and humane thing. Intuitively, the public understand what we in the bear world know to be true: cubs of the year (COY) are not ‘habituated’ to humans forever or ‘food conditioned’ to garbage forever if rehabbed properly and given a remote location release.

This has been proven time and time again over many years with thousands of cubs of the year being successfully released around the world regardless of their early experience before 12 months of age.

There are many experts who have compiled and reported on the data and the Ministry of the Environment have these reports.

So why do they not set policy which reflects known science? Why does the COS create such a long, drawn-out media frenzy over two tiny cubs? It boggles my mind. Here we are 11 years later fighting again to save cubs from a senseless kill order at the same time fighting to save a man’s career in the public service?

Many, many undiscovered orphan cubs in B.C. are left to die as a result of the spring bear hunt, vehicle strikes, industrial development and nuisance mothers.

When we, as a community, learn about a few token cubs that can be rescued and taken to a privately funded, non-profit rehabilitation facility we expect that to happen without drama or spectacle. All we ask of the government is to let us bring a tiny bit of fairness to a tiny newborn bear in an increasingly unfair world.

 Barbara Murray, B.C. Bear Advocate

Nanoose Bay

Read More »Letter PQ News: Port Hardy Cubs Need Some Fairness and So Does Officer Bryce Casavant

Let’s Talk Cougars (and Deer) in Nanoose Bay, B.C.

Photo by Tony Ransom, May'15

July 7, 2015 Summary of Ross Peterson  & Conservation Officer Stuart Bates Presentations 

 How to Prevent Cougar Encounters

  • Avoid hiking/walking at night
  • Hike/walk with a partner
  • DO NOT feed deer and racoons
  • Keep dogs on leash
  • Secure pets and livestock
  • Keep small children close

Rockhaven_Cougar_3_May 10_2015

 May 10’15 Photo T. Ransom
Wildlife Cam on Rockhampton Cougar Sighting June 20, 2015 at 6:54am (Date in photo incorrect)


Read More »Let’s Talk Cougars (and Deer) in Nanoose Bay, B.C.

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