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Bears Matter Raised $5,850 in 2012!

Bears Matter would like to Sincerely Thank Nanaimo’s Chocolaterie Bernard Callebaut Store for hosting our Xmas 2012 FundraiserBMXmas2012

We are proud to announce this year that a significantly higher total was achieved than last year to help five species of bears at home and afar. Our success would not have been realized without the hard work and commitment of the staff and manager at Nanaimo’s Chocolaterie Bernard Callebaut store.

Of course Big Bear Hugs go out to all our wonderful supporters who purchased Warm Buddy gifts at our sale this season to help bears!

A grand total of $5,850 was raised from the sales of Luxurious Warm Buddy Bears, Moose, Penguins and bear paw mitts.  ‘Thank you Again Warm Buddy Co., for your continuing commitment and generousity to the Bears Matter Fund after 7 seasons! Also special Kudos to a bear’s best friend, Robyn Schade, for her graphic design work on the ‘Certificate of Appreciation’ over many years!

All Seven Non-Profit Charities receiving donations are well-known to Bears Matter and very deserving of our support.  We thank each organization for their endless hard work, personal sacrifices and passion so that bears may stay wild & alive and bear species overseas are saved from extirpation.

Here is how the donations were allotted this year:

1. Northern Lights Wildlife Society   $1,000

2. Critter Care Wildlife Society $800 wholesale Warm Buddy Bears to sell in their Gift Shop

3. North Island Wildlife Recovery Society $800 wholesale of Warm Buddy Bears to sell in their Gift Shop

4. Pacific Wild Alliance $650

5. Spectacled Bear Conservation Society $800

6. Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Centre  $800

7. Animals Asia $1,000

Bears Matter, Chocolaterie Bernard Callebaut and Warm Buddy Company will continue to support bears through these organizations and look forward to adding deserving organizations in future.  Please make donations directly to these organizations anytime during the year as they receive no government funding for their on-going operations.

May 2013 see less bears trophy hunted, lose habitat, be injured, orphaned, illegally hunted and illegally trafficked for parts and bear bile!

Bears Matter!

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