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B.C. Residents: Take the Pledge to Help End the Unjust Grizzly Hunt


TAKE THE PLEDGE at: and go to Take Action Page!

Pledge :

Letter to

Premier of British Columbia Hon. Christy Clark

Leader of the Official Opposition/MLA John Horgan

Green MLA Andrew Weaver

Justice for BC Grizzlies Val Murray

I PLEDGE to help end BC’s unjust grizzly hunt by reaching out to as many fellow voters and political candidates as possible between now and the May 9,2017 provincial election!


The Pledge will be received by Justice for BC Grizzlies, and decision-makers Premier Clark, NDP Opposition Leader John Horgan and Green MLA Andrew Weaver.  We are asking BC residents to sign our Pledge to keep the grizzly hunt high on the political radar leading up to the May 9/17 provincial election. By connecting with friends, family, members of your community and political candidates, we will be able to spread the word throughout the province that this brutal, unjust killing of grizzlies must end!

When you sign this pledge be assured your email information will not be shared publicly and will be held in confidence. We will send regular updates to those that wish them and also be periodically sharing our growing list of pledgers (voters) and their towns (ridings) with political candidates and the media.

Thank you!

If you wish to join our Team at Justice for BC Grizzlies please go to: and you will be contacted by a volunteer.


Justice for BC Grizzlies

This petition will be delivered to:

Director of Justice for BC Grizzlies
Val Murray


1 thought on “B.C. Residents: Take the Pledge to Help End the Unjust Grizzly Hunt”

  1. Trophy hunting of any species borders on a human weirdness and should be a criminal act.
    But in fact the BC Liberals with Christy Clarke at the Wheel are very big supporters of the outfitters and those who choose this macho road of excitement.
    The only way it can be stopped is by making it a election issue as the guide outfitters have done.
    With the destruction of habitat, once again power lines an unsustainable logging with little replanting done if any, in a timely fashion the government seems to be completely blind to the lasting impact that they are in the for front of.
    I am adamantly against this government program but at a loss as to what to do except when i vote.
    Ken Snowsell

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