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Bear Blog

Exploring the wild shores of B.C.’s Great Bear Rainforest

Vancouver Sun March 16, 2013 As dusk descends, an explosion of violence shatters the tranquility of the world’s largest remaining tract of unspoiled ancient temperate rainforest. The chase is on. A frantic deer bolts from the woods only meters… Read More »Exploring the wild shores of B.C.’s Great Bear Rainforest

Edge of Eden Movie Clip with Charlie Russell

Watch 2 Minute Clip from ‘Edge of Eden’, Charlie Russell’s Story of Living with the Great Bears of Russia! From Twitter: Charlie Russell’s movie “Edge of Eden”, 2 min clip.  Enjoy! — Barb Murray (@bearsmatter), March 11, 2013

Stephen Hume: B.C.’s promotion of grizzly hunt is ideological, not scientific

Orphaned grizzly bear at Grouse Mountain Wildlife Refuge.Photograph by: ASWRIGHT WWW.COLD-COAST.COM Killing of a threatened species to satisfy a marginal industry makes no sense A new scientific study reports that grizzly bear mortalities exceed government targets in half the areas… Read More »Stephen Hume: B.C.’s promotion of grizzly hunt is ideological, not scientific

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